District 11 Business Meeting
The Church (Formerly Unity Church) 317 W Decatur St., Decatur, IL, United StatesIn-Person NEW LOCATION Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
Alcoholics Anonymous Central Illinois District 11
AA meetings and info
In-Person NEW LOCATION Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
After two years of pandemic-related cancellations, The Journey Continues returns to share experience, strength and hope through the fellowship of Springfield’s powerful, engaging Big Book Study & Conference. Join us, spread the word, and bring a friend. TJC FLYER 2023
2023 corrections Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83417338648?pwd=N004QlFPSk9VVGNoNDNzWWZudmVMZz09 Area21 AA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Correction Workshop Time: Jan 28, 2023 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Meeting ID: 834 1733 8648 Passcode: 410385 One tap mobile +13126266799,,83417338648#,,,,*410385# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 309 205 3325 US Meeting ID: 834 1733 […]
In-Person Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
Area-Assembly-Flyer-768x994 Hosted by District 17 Zoom Info: Meeting Id: 889 8949 4288 Passcode 177777 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88989494288?pwd=VGdKK0Q2RDVXOS95Rmd5TVJXVHNIdz09 Location: John A Logan College, Rooms 104 & 105, Carterville, IL Registration Start: 8 AM | Assembly Start: 9 AM | Lunch - $12 Beverages and continental breakfast provided Accommodations for the night of March 4: specify Area 21 Assembly […]
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:50 PM CST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86344426481?pwd=TjlZYlJnRFlJZWR3Qms0ZmFzaC9oQT09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter the Meeting ID: 863 4442 6481 and Passcode 2023GSC Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter Meeting ID: […]
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:20PM CST on March 15: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89840864892?pwd=djQyRU5heXlPT1M5OWlGK3Bmd29hUT09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter Meeting ID: 898 4086 4892 and Passcode: 987201 Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter Meeting […]
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:50PM CST on March 16 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86239744897?pwd=akJHYklqeEJZOUZ1dklUZGEraVVRQT09: Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter the Meeting ID: 862 3974 4897 and Passcode: 2023GSC Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter […]
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 12:50PM CST on March 18 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87036350660?pwd=Sk54SWZQakdqL3J4MWZuNG5ialVXdz09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter the Meeting ID: 870 3635 0660 and Passcode: 2023GSC Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter […]
In-Person Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:50PM CST on March 21 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83600564187?pwd=OE5uZ1kxMXJwWi84OGtjc1JUS1FkZz09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter the Meeting ID: 836 0056 4187 and Passcode: 2023GSC Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter […]
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:50PM CST on March 22 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88303512399?pwd=Z0QycGViL2d0YUdOcEZCMVh3SmFwQT09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter the Meeting ID: 883 0351 2399 and Passcode: 2023GSC Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter […]
March 25 2023 Service Workshop Zoom ID 848 2099 0263 Passcode: service PANEL DISCUSSION: Corrections INFORMATION ON SERVICE STRUCTURE: Chairing Meetings Bridging the Gap Literature Temporary Sponsorship Volunteer Sign-up BENEFITING: Sobriety through 12 Step Work
DISCUSS PROPOSED AGENDA ITEMS PROVIDE YOUR FEEDBACK PREPARE THE DELEGATE FOR THIS YEAR'S GENERAL SERVICE CONFERENCE Pre-GSC Flyer rev 2023-03-27 Afternoon Session Hybrid 1:00 PM ID: 879 6695 4195 Passcode: 2023GSC https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87966954195?pwd=Mnpva05jKzNQbzlrTnBEVFhCVm96QT09