District 11 Business Meeting
The Church (Formerly Unity Church) 317 W Decatur St., Decatur, IL, United StatesIn-Person NEW LOCATION Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
Alcoholics Anonymous Central Illinois District 11
AA meetings and info
In-Person NEW LOCATION Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
Young_People_Project_2022_Poster_EN Dear friends, How would you carry the message that would relate to the “young” alcoholic who has yet to come to A.A.? We want video submissions from A.A. members. WHY? To carry A.A.’s message to young people in high school, college settings, or any setting. Share your experience! Deadline for submissions: November 7, 2022
Come join with a group of sisters to review, revive and rekindle our love and commitment to the steps. We will review the steps through the Big Book and the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions so bring your books. Friday night potluck, bring something to share. Meat, table service, and drinks will be provided. *All […]
In-Person NEW LOCATION Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522 Nominations for District officers. Elections 11/20/2022
Hosted By Corrections Committees In Illinois Areas 19, 20 And 21 Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, 1800 E Golf Rd Schaumburg IL 60173 FLYER_FINAL-2022
In-Person NEW LOCATION Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522 District officers. Elections
area-21-assembly-final-flyer1 Dec 2022 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88989494288?pwd=VGdKK0Q2RDVXOS95Rmd5TVJXVHNIdz09 Meeting ID: 889 8949 4288 Passcode: 177777 One tap mobile +13092053325,,88989494288#,,,,*177777# US +13126266799,,88989494288#,,,,*177777# US (Chicago) Location: Edwardsville Moose Lodge 7371 Marine Rd Edwardsville, IL 62025 Registration Start: 8 AM | Assembly Start: 9 AM | Lunch - $10.00 Accommodations: Comfort Inn Edwardsville – St. Louis 3080 S State […]
In-Person NEW LOCATION Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
Sullivan serenity seekers group on Monday December 26th at 8 pm at Methodist church across from fire house on Rte 32 Sullivan, Illinois. Will have a member with 40 YEARS SOBRIETY as our speaker that night. Ed B. from Jewitt, Illinois will share his experience strength and hope!
5pm Fellowship 6pm Meal 7:30pm Speaker Meeting (AA/Alanon) Followed by DJ & Dancing. Turkey & Ham Provided Potluck, Bring a dish to share! Donations appreciated! Alcathon PDF
In-Person NEW LOCATION Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
After two years of pandemic-related cancellations, The Journey Continues returns to share experience, strength and hope through the fellowship of Springfield’s powerful, engaging Big Book Study & Conference. Join us, spread the word, and bring a friend. TJC FLYER 2023
2023 corrections Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83417338648?pwd=N004QlFPSk9VVGNoNDNzWWZudmVMZz09 Area21 AA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Correction Workshop Time: Jan 28, 2023 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Meeting ID: 834 1733 8648 Passcode: 410385 One tap mobile +13126266799,,83417338648#,,,,*410385# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 309 205 3325 US Meeting ID: 834 1733 […]
In-Person Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522