District 11 Business Meeting
The Church (Formerly Unity Church) 317 W Decatur St., Decatur, IL, United StatesIn-Person Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
Alcoholics Anonymous Central Illinois District 11
AA meetings and info
In-Person Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
Area-Assembly-Flyer-768x994 Hosted by District 17 Zoom Info: Meeting Id: 889 8949 4288 Passcode 177777 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88989494288?pwd=VGdKK0Q2RDVXOS95Rmd5TVJXVHNIdz09 Location: John A Logan College, Rooms 104 & 105, Carterville, IL Registration Start: 8 AM | Assembly Start: 9 AM | Lunch - $12 Beverages and continental breakfast provided Accommodations for the night of March 4: specify Area 21 Assembly […]
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:50 PM CST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86344426481?pwd=TjlZYlJnRFlJZWR3Qms0ZmFzaC9oQT09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter the Meeting ID: 863 4442 6481 and Passcode 2023GSC Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter Meeting ID: […]
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:20PM CST on March 15: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89840864892?pwd=djQyRU5heXlPT1M5OWlGK3Bmd29hUT09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter Meeting ID: 898 4086 4892 and Passcode: 987201 Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter Meeting […]
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:50PM CST on March 16 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86239744897?pwd=akJHYklqeEJZOUZ1dklUZGEraVVRQT09: Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter the Meeting ID: 862 3974 4897 and Passcode: 2023GSC Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter […]
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 12:50PM CST on March 18 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87036350660?pwd=Sk54SWZQakdqL3J4MWZuNG5ialVXdz09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter the Meeting ID: 870 3635 0660 and Passcode: 2023GSC Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter […]
In-Person Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:50PM CST on March 21 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83600564187?pwd=OE5uZ1kxMXJwWi84OGtjc1JUS1FkZz09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter the Meeting ID: 836 0056 4187 and Passcode: 2023GSC Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter […]
If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:50PM CST on March 22 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88303512399?pwd=Z0QycGViL2d0YUdOcEZCMVh3SmFwQT09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a Meeting and enter the Meeting ID: 883 0351 2399 and Passcode: 2023GSC Touchtone phone (audio only): dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-309-205-3325 When prompted, enter […]
March 25 2023 Service Workshop Zoom ID 848 2099 0263 Passcode: service PANEL DISCUSSION: Corrections INFORMATION ON SERVICE STRUCTURE: Chairing Meetings Bridging the Gap Literature Temporary Sponsorship Volunteer Sign-up BENEFITING: Sobriety through 12 Step Work
DISCUSS PROPOSED AGENDA ITEMS PROVIDE YOUR FEEDBACK PREPARE THE DELEGATE FOR THIS YEAR'S GENERAL SERVICE CONFERENCE Pre-GSC Flyer rev 2023-03-27 Afternoon Session Hybrid 1:00 PM ID: 879 6695 4195 Passcode: 2023GSC https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87966954195?pwd=Mnpva05jKzNQbzlrTnBEVFhCVm96QT09
In-Person Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
Get information from your Area Corrections Co-Chairs and meet up with others who are helping to carry the A.A. message into correctional facilities in other districts! If you have Zoom software installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the following link beginning at 6:20PM CST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89840864892?pwd=djQyRU5heXlPT1M5OWlGK3Bmd29hUT09 Or, go to Zoom.com, click on Join a […]