General Service Representative Training
VirtualGeneral Service Representative Training Zoom ID: 277 952 6409 Password: Area21GSR GSR_Workshop_Training_10
Alcoholics Anonymous Central Illinois District 11
AA meetings and info
General Service Representative Training Zoom ID: 277 952 6409 Password: Area21GSR GSR_Workshop_Training_10
Join usSaturday Night at 6:00 PM for a speaker meetingand potluckhosted by Sobriety At Six MeetingMarch-2022_Area-21_Assembly-rev
Sign on by 8:35 AM for a video introduction to what happens at an assembly / voting procedures, etc. Touch tone phone: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) and enter Zoom ID and Passcode when prompted. If you have the Zoom app installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the link below to join […]
District 14 Corrections Workshop Zoom: 306 325 343 Zoom Password: 120N3 Join with Zoom Snacks will be provided, drinks can be purchased at the 623 club . Come listen to the Experience, Strength, and Hope of those involved in Corrections service, and those who have benefited from AA During their time in custody. Volunteers are always […]
No Meeting On Months of Area Assemblies
Big Book Study Workshop The Big Book Comes Alive March 25th & 26th Friday-5:30pm & Saturday-7:30am Presented by: Harold L. from Hillsboro, MO & Jerry G. from O'Fallon, MO Workshop Includes: Friday night dinner at 6:00pm, Saturday breakfast at 8:00am, Saturday Lunch at Noon, and Saturday dinner at 5:30pm Sign in begins on Friday March […]
Help prepare our Area 21 Delegate to carry the Area’s Conscience to this year’s General Service Conference! 72nd GSC List of Agenda Items - FINAL English Contact your group’s GSRs or Alternate GSR for agenda background material (it will be emailed to them by the 3rd week in February). Registration is free, continental breakfast provided. […]
Easter Holiday.
A weekend of fellowship in the heart of London, overlooking the Thames, St. Katharine Docks and The Tower of London. London-Convention-Flyer__2022-1
In-Person NEW LOCATION Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
PICNIC • 12 - 4pm on Saturday, Soda, and coffee provided. Come and enjoy! West Park Shelter, Fondulac Park West, 400 Springfield Rd., East Peoria, IL. SPEAKER MEETING • 8pm on Saturday, June 4th At Hilltop, 115 S. Western Ave. West Peoria, IL. Speaker is Jeff O. from Bloomington, IL. Cake and coffee provided.
Area Assembly Hybrid Format: Come in person or join online! CORRECTED Zoom ID: 889 8949 4288 Passcode: 177777 Hosted by District 6 Peoria area No Cost Last_Flyer_6_5_Area Assembly
No Meeting On Months of Area Assemblies
In-Person NEW LOCATION Unity Church 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522